What is the difference in mapping results among the common color 3D mapping methods?

3D Laser Scanning + DSLR Photography + 3DeVOK Mapping Software vs DSLR Photography + Photo Modeling

3D Laser Scanning + DSLR Photography + iReal 3D Mapping Software vs DSLR Photography + Photo Modeling

Conclusion: The difference in mapping results is not significant.

3D Laser Scanning (Resolution 0.2 mm) vs. DSLR Photography + Photo Modeling (High-poly)

3D Laser Scanning (Resolution 0.2 mm) vs. DSLR Photography + Photo Modeling (High-poly)

The 3D data obtained by 3D laser scanning has higher precision (up to 0.02 mm) and can restore the details of the scanned object to the largest extent, and the mapping effect is much better.

3D Laser Scanning + DSLR Photo + 3DeVOK Mapping Software vs iReal 2E 3D Color Scanning

3D Laser Scanning + DSLR Photo + iReal 3D Mapping Software vs iReal 2E 3D Color Scanning

The mapping result obtained via DSLR is way better than via color 3D scanning, no matter from its color definition or color restoration, especially when 3D scanning medium or large-sized objects.

3D Laser Scanning vs. iReal 2E 3D Scanning (Both Resolutions Are 0.2 mm)

3D Laser Scanning vs. iReal 2E 3D Scanning (Both Resolutions Are 0.2 mm)

Conclusion: The 3D data obtained by 3D laser scanning restored more details of the object
(especially in the face of reflective parts, black parts, small and medium-sized parts, slender parts, etc., the scanning results will be better), and the mapping effect will be better.